With Refari, job adverts from JobAdder seamlessly integrate with your website in real-time. Say goodbye to 15-minute waits for XML feed updates.
Any edits made to job adverts in JobAdder are automatically reflected in Refari. Additionally, Refari provides a manual override for immediate re-synchronisation of job details.
Candidate applications, referrals, and registrations integrate effortlessly into Jobadder, ensuring a smooth workflow.
Did You Know ? AI is getting bigger and bigger and we have already incorporated it into Refari and will continue to do so!
Our technology empowers recruiters to suggest job alerts to candidates, even if there isn’t an immediate fit.
Candidates can be referred to you, or job adverts can be referred to potential candidates. Our innovative referral mechanism also keeps referrers in the loop with automatic notifications as their referred candidates progress through JobAdder.
Referrals made via conventional methods, such as phone or email, can be logged into JobAdder. Refari then seamlessly integrates this data for a transparent referral process.
Team member updates in JobAdder are instantly reflected in Refari. Whether adding a new team member or removing one, the changes are immediately visible on your website.
You can quickly & easily view your Job Board Job descriptions directly in JobAdder itself
Key candidate interactions with Refari are logged directly into their records in JobAdder, encompassing:
Mark candidates in JobAdder based on their Refari Job Alert status. This feature aids in targeting email campaigns more effectively.
Refari allows for the inclusion of additional screener questions during candidate registration, with answers mapped directly to the candidate’s record, thus enhancing your database quality.
No need to manually collect URLs from your job board. With the “Refari Job URL”, run marketing campaigns that direct traffic straight to your job board on your website.
Refari & JobAdder can accomodate multiple videos in one Job Description. You can enter them in JobAdder & Refari will display them!