As we all know, in life, timing is everything. This is this is probably even more prevalent in requirement. When you email that client, when you ring that candidate. Here at Refari we have been wondering about the best times to send emails for a long time, because of course if we can increase open rates, we can increase clickthrough rates and ultimately drive more traffic to our clients recruitment site. We also send a hell of a lot of emails on behalf of our clients, so getting this right is very high priority.
120 emails per day
“Did you know that the average person receives more than 120 emails per day. Wouldn’t it be great if we could optimise to make sure the emails we send are at the top of that mail box when our recipient opens that mail box?”
So how do we solve this problem?
Initially our solution to the problem was more of an ‘emailing schedule’ which involved different times to send emails based on different timezones. This is more complicated than it may seem due to the fact that we have clients on 5 continents and candidates engaging from all over the world, so this would probably would have involved us building email schedules for all 24 different timezones. Then we could consider possible cultural differences and how this might influence the optimal time to send emails to candidates and clients? Lastly occupational differences… do different occupations have different optimal times for receiving, say, a job alert?
It's time to let the AI do it's thing
As more variables enter the potential algorithm design the more likely it is simply easier to let some AI or machine learning do the heavy lifting.
And… so we have done just this, from now on, select email types have been scheduled to go out at the optimal time to increase open rates, click through rates and ultimately drive more traffic to our clients job boards and more engagement with relevant emails. This is all powered by Artificial intelligence and will of course continue to learn and deliver emails smarter and smarter over time.
Something to consider
Not all email types should be scheduled by AI, some types of emails need to be sent right away so it is important to moderate use of such technology. We expect our new balanced approach to using AI to optimise the delivery of some email types and not others, will be a vast improvement on our old email scheduling process. From here on in, we will monitor the results and tinker where required to improve things further.
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